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OneLinks - A Tab Manager for Pros dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 4.0.0
  • 4.1

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

Đánh giá Softonic

OneLinks - Một trình quản lý Tab dành cho các chuyên gia

OneLinks is a tab manager add-on for the Chrome browser that provides a better way to store and organize your tab sessions. With OneLinks, you can easily convert cluttered tab sessions into a list and access them at any time in the future.

One of the key features of OneLinks is its ability to prevent unnecessary resource consumption from tabs that you are not currently using. By converting tabs into a list, you can free up system resources and improve overall browsing performance.

To access all your saved tab sessions, simply right-click the pinned OneLinks extension and select "See all OneLinks". From there, you have several options to manage your tab sessions. You can open a tab session in a group for better organization, download a tab session to share with others, upload a previously downloaded or shared tab session, copy individual links within a tab session, and remove links that are no longer relevant or required.

Overall, OneLinks is a valuable tool for professionals who frequently work with multiple tabs and need a more efficient way to manage their browsing sessions. With its intuitive interface and useful features, OneLinks makes it easy to stay organized and maximize productivity.

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OneLinks - A Tab Manager for Pros dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 4.0.0
  • 4.1

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

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